Safehaven issued with a Statement of Compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC)

Posted on June 10th, by admin in Industry News, Safehaven News. Comments Off on Safehaven issued with a Statement of Compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC)

Safehaven have undergone an audit by Lloyds Register to comply with Standard A1.4 and guidelines B1.4 of the requirements of the MLC 2006 and have been issued with a Statement of Compliance.

Following a review of the implications of the MLC, which is due to be implemented on 20th August 2013, Safehaven has been pro-active in ensuring that it’s procedures and records are compliant with the convention before it comes into force albeit that it has not yet been fully ratified.

The view has been taken by the company that, whilst the scope of the convention is unclear with regard to the yachting industry in general, the requirements of the same do, in many regards, constitute best practice and as a result compliance has been duly considered and organised by the company.

The company is pleased to confirm that it is keeping up to date with all regulations and compliance issues which affect the yacht market both now and in the future.

10 June 2013

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